Voice prompts are prerecorded scripts recorded in a human voice to “prompt” or guide callers to their desired destination or transaction. Voice prompts are how you greet your customers and what the caller, both inside and outside, will hear and follow.

Generally, PBX phone systems will have IVR systems, Music on Hold and Custom System prompts saying unavailable, busy, call transfer, try again, etc. These voice prompts help businesses to direct callers clearly and communicate effectively while building up a professional brand image.

Benefits of Using Voice Prompts

  • A well-recorded human voice prompt guides callers to the desired destination and improves the communication experience for calls.
  • Customers can easily get what they want over the phone with the voice prompt, hence the increased customer satisfaction.
  • Enhance the corporate image with clear and professional prompts and leave customers with a good impression of the company.

Best Practices for Voice Prompts

  • Consider using voice prompts for circumstances like greetings (IVR), Music on Hold, and announcements to engage effectively with your customers.
  • Create custom voice prompts for your business as the default prompts in your telephone system do not always speak for your needs. If you prefer to not use your own voice, professional voice recording companies are easy to find.
  • Engage your callers with their language so they can understand the options and directions more easily.
  • In an interactive voice response system, provide callers with no more than 3 menu levels and no more than 4 or 5 options in each menu.

With voice prompts explained, how can a telephone system work out the best practices to bring the benefits of voice prompts to business? Well, if you are using Yeastar P-Series PBX System or S-Series VoIP PBX, it will be extremely easy to follow the best practices.

Voice Prompts Selection

Yeastar PBX systems let you decide which prompt you want to play in various circumstances. By navigating to PBX Administrator Portal > System > Voice prompts,  you can set up and customize your voice direction and greeting for call events like Music on hold, Call Forwarding, Busy Line, Dial failure, etc.

Set up

Custom Voice Prompts

Besides the default prompts, you can always upload your own pre-recorded prompt. Yeastar PBX system also allows users to record a custom prompt with an internal extension.

Go to PBX Settings > Voice Prompts > Custom Prompts to record and upload custom prompts.

Record voice prompts on P-Series PBX System

Multi-language System Voice Prompts

The voice prompts on Yeastar PBX system are stored online and available in multiple languages including English, Spanish, French, German, and 27 more.

List of supported languages (updated June 2024): Arabic, Brazilian Portuguese, Cantonese, Chinese, Croatian, Czech, Dutch, English, French, German, Greek, Hebrew, Indonesian, Italian, Persian, Polish, Portuguese, Russian, Serbian, Slovak, Slovenian, Spanish, Thai, Turkish

Users can download these prompts via the path: PBX Settings > Voice Prompts > System Prompts to download system prompts of different languages.

Screenshot for downloading different language system prompts

Each extension user can set up their preferred Ringtone, Music-on-hold, and Voicemail Greeting that is different from the system’s default.


Set up Distinctive Music on Hold by Extension 

Set up distinctive ringtone for extension user

Set up Distinctive Ringtone by Extension 


This Post Has 4 Comments

  1. Hallo,

    Wanneer komt de nieuwe vertaling voor de nederlandse taal ?
    Wanneer klanten nu in de wacht staan krijgen ze de eerste vertegenwoordiger te horen.

    Dit moet natuurlijk zijn hoeveel er in de wachtrij staan en dat de medewerker/ collega ze zo snel mogelijk te woord staan.



    When will the new translation for the Dutch language be available?
    When customers are now on hold, they will hear from the first representative.

    This must of course be how many are in the queue and that the employee/colleague must speak to them as quickly as possible.

    Greetings Heino

    1. Hoi Heino, het spijt ons dat de Nederlandse versie momenteel niet beschikbaar is. We zullen het verzoek in overweging nemen en binnenkort meer verschillende talen aanbieden.—————Hi Heino, we are sorry that currently the Dutch version is not available. We’ll consider the request and provide more diversified languages shortly.

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