Moving UC to the CloudWhat does the future hold for business communications?

Although cloud technology is not a new trend by any means, what is new is the drastic growth of cloud adoption ever since the pandemic. According to Mckinsey, by 2024, most enterprises aspire to have $8 out of every $10 for IT hosting go toward the cloud.

Companies find it a necessity to modernize cumbersome and expensive on-site equipment for digital transformation. The future of work is believed to be hybrid. More employees are using their personal devices for work. All these are driving companies to seek out cloud-based communication solutions.

UCaaS, a cloud-delivered unified communications model, has become a more appealing proposition for businesses than ever before. This “as-a-service” model is gaining in popularity due to unparalleled ease of use, functionality, flexibility, and scalability.

In light of this, a limited portfolio could potentially jeopardize a provider’s business model. While many providers have expanded their portfolios to satisfy the rising demand, some are still struggling to start from scratch.

Given the technical expertise required for cloud architecture, uncertainty about the upfront investment and associated risks, and lack of experience in business models around cloud services, adding Cloud PBX & UCaaS into their portfolio can be overwhelming for some resellers and providers, despite their interest in tapping into this lucrative market.

Here is an easy-to-start solution to fill the gap.

Little-to-no Effort to Launch UCaaS

To navigate the market trends and stay ahead of the pack requires both top-notch products and services that meet customer needs and a robust service delivery platform based on solid infrastructure.

Yeastar holds the answer for this. Built on a multi-instance infrastructure, Yeastar’s UCaaS offering is made available through a centralized service delivery & management platform, Yeastar Central Management (YCM), where you can get everything needed to streamline operations in one place.

Yeastar P-Series Cloud Edition TypographyYeastar Central Management: Simplify Everything

YCM greatly minimizes the overwhelming workload of the separate installation of PBXs. It only takes minutes, if not seconds, to create a PBX instance for your customer through YCM. With multiple nodes across the globe, you also have the flexibility to select preferred hosted servers closest to your customers.

When customers’ communication needs fluctuate, scaling up or down is as simple as adding or deleting users through YCM. There is literally no limit on instances and users, so whether you have a few customers or hundreds, you can capture almost every type of opportunity by staying responsive with fast service delivery.

There are more tools in YCM that ensure management convenience and give you peace of mind. For example, a dynamic, widget-based dashboard visualized real-time status about your customers’ PBXs into an at-a-glance view, scheduled tasks for PBX upgrades, backups, and restores, and instant alerts on critical system issues.

A Full Unified Communications Suite

By introducing Yeastar’s UCaaS offer, the P-Series Cloud Edition, to your customers, you can give them audio, video, applications, collaboration, and more in one system, enabling them to:

  • Unify headquarters, branches, remote offices, and teleworkers seamlessly and securely.
  • Equip the agile workforce with Linkus UC Clients to work from anywhere.
  • Access a series of UC tools and enjoy a lightweight call experience via the web.
  • Optimize call center agent productivity and delight customers in a budget-friendly way.
  • Engage geographically dispersed employees with integrated video conferencing.
  • Bring along IP phones, intercom, and any SIP compliant endpoints and systems.
  • Integrate Microsoft Teams, Zoho CRM, Salesforce, and other 3rd-party systems.

P-Series Cloud Edition Free Trial

Why Yeastar for UCaaS: We Simplify Everything for Resellers

Introducing UCaaS into your portfolio doesn’t have to take that much time, effort, and investment. No matter you are just about to dip a toe into the marketplace, not ready to commit that much time and financial resources at the beginning, or looking to craft and deliver your own cloud-based unified communications service rather than making small commissions by reselling it as an agent, Yeastar Turnkey Solution can be an ideal fit that speeds up time-to-market and reduces management complexity.

Offload Significant Capital Expenditures

As a fully managed, serverless deployment option, our turnkey solution allows you to literally get started today. No painful preparation required, it shifts investment dollars from CapEx to OpEx, allowing you to penetrate fast-growing markets with minimal upfront expenses and risks.

Expedite Time to Market

For those looking to avoid the complexities of cloud infrastructure, all it takes is to purchase hosting packages through Yeastar Partner Portal, and you are ready to sell to customers immediately. Instant access to YCM, technical support, maintenance, and system upgrades are all included.

Ensure High Availability

Deployed as clusters, our UCaaS offering features high-availability redundant architecture. Your service is delivered across a selection of regional servers powered by Amazon Web Services. We leverage hot standby to support seamless failover and active/ active load balancing for optimal resource utilization among SBC servers.

Keep Your Customer Relationship

This turnkey solution allows you to retain full control over the price, the ongoing customer relationship, and the very service you offer. You can sell at a price that delivers profitability and remains affordable to your customers, bundle IP phones, SIP trunks, and other products & services, and better yet, a white-label option is just around the corner.

Earn Margin-rich Recurring Revenue

UCaaS can help you build a predictable recurring revenue stream, which means once you have sold the service, you are going to get paid repeatedly. Moreover, P-Series Cloud Edition comes with different subscription plans, allowing you to create more upsell opportunities and significantly improve customer retention.

What about a Trial for Evaluation?

UCaaS paves the way for better hybrid work strategies and the upward trend will only continue. Stop turning away from lucrative UCaaS sales opportunities. Now is the best time to be selling UCaaS and take your business to the next level.

Get a trial of Yeastar Turnkey Solution, along with YCM, for a full tour of how it works and what it has to offer. See how Yeastar’s UCaaS offering can elevate your product offerings, ensure profitability, and exceed your customer expectations.

Turnkey Trial

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