In today’s digital age, communication is the backbone of every successful business. As companies increasingly seek efficient and cost-effective ways to manage their communication systems, the demand for Hosted PBX (Private Branch Exchange) services has skyrocketed.

Starting a Hosted PBX business not only positions you at the forefront of this booming industry but also opens up a lucrative income stream. Whether you are an entrepreneur looking to diversify your portfolio or a tech enthusiast aiming to capitalize on the growing VoIP market, launching a Hosted PBX business could be your gateway to substantial earnings.

For those still on the fence, the lingering concern might be where to start. The hosted PBX market will open up once you have a viable go-to-market strategy. This post will walk you through the top 5 things to consider before starting a hosted PBX business.

#1 Who are your potential customers?

In the hunt for prospective customers, identifying them properly will save you great time and energy. Here is a list for reference:

  • Multi-location Organizations: Companies with multiple offices or branches benefit greatly from a centralized communication system.
  • Businesses with Remote Workers: As remote work becomes more prevalent, businesses need reliable communication solutions that support remote connectivity.
  • Start-ups Concerned About CAPEX: New businesses often look for cost-effective solutions that minimize capital expenditures.
  • Firms Avoiding PBX Equipment Ownership: Some companies prefer not to deal with the complexities of owning and maintaining PBX hardware.
  • Companies Needing Flexibility: Businesses that require the ability to easily add users and handle concurrent calls will find Hosted PBX solutions appealing.

#2 What are your selling points?

Your major competitive edge should be a quality product and service. Consider how the cloud-based hosted PBX differentiates and emphasizes the features which your customers cannot access with other solutions. Here are some talking points you can bring up:

  • Proven Cost Savings: Emphasize the financial benefits of switching to a cloud-based PBX system, such as reduced hardware costs and lower maintenance expenses.
  • Unified Communications: Highlight the advantages of integrating various communication tools (voice, video, messaging) into a single platform.
  • Flexible Deployment Options: Stress the ease with which Hosted PBX can be deployed and scaled according to business needs.
  • Low Administration Effort: Point out the reduced administrative burden compared to traditional PBX systems.
  • Trusted Advisor and Expert: Position yourself as a knowledgeable and reliable partner who can guide clients through the transition and ongoing use of Hosted PBX.

If you are seeking to collaborate with Managed Service Providers (MSPs), it’s also essential to understand what they prioritize. Here’s what MSPs typically focus on:

  1. Hardware Compatibility: The solution should work well with existing hardware like phones and routers, ensuring easy integration and reducing additional costs.

  2. SIP Trunk Compatibility: It should support various SIP trunk providers to ensure reliable and high-quality voice communication.

  3. Unified Communications (UC) Features: The solution should offer integrated voice, video, messaging, and collaboration tools to improve productivity.

  4. Management System Compatibility: It should integrate smoothly with the MSP’s existing management and monitoring tools for efficient maintenance and support.

  5. System Stability: The solution must be reliable with minimal downtime to meet service level agreements and keep clients satisfied.

Related How can Cloud PBX be a real money-maker?

#3 What are your customers calling for?

Don’t rush in with a slew of features your hosted PBX system has to offer. Now that you are able to offer the comprehensive feature set, next up is to understand how your customers use their phone systems respectively and what communications need still left to be addressed.

Certainly, there can be an obsession with features when it comes to business phone systems. The fact is that your customers may not care much about those fancy features. What your customers want is something capable of removing their pain points. Craft on-demand PBX solutions boasting the features designed for certain scenarios and you will see favorable gains.

#4 What is the right sales approach?

Selling hosted PBX means you follow the cloud revenue model. Instead of having your customers purchase lump-sum packages, when it comes to hosted PBX business, you can now generate recurring revenue by selling based on monthly subscriptions.

Smaller customers may want to buy services on a per-seat basis while larger customers prefer purchasing at a higher flat fee. Once you have an inclusive platform that allows you to deliver, manage, and scale easily, it would be easy to create such a streamlined business model.

Related Selling Cloud PBX: How do I convince customers to pay 3 times?

Last but not least, which vendor should you turn to?

The right approach to the hosted PBX market is the cornerstone of your success. Look for a vendor that has experience with businesses similar to yours. They are far more likely to understand the potential pitfalls you may encounter and should have the best practices to overcome those obstacles. Here are a few things to look for just for your reference:

  • Does the vendor offer a broad range of solutions that adapt to your target customers’ needs?
  • Does the vendor stay up to date on the industry standards and the latest technology trends?
  • Does the vendor offer the right tools to assist in deploying and managing customer-premises devices?
  • How well is the product compatible with trunks and endpoints? What about the ability to integrate with 3rd party applications?
  • Does the vendor have the expertise to deliver the best quality of technical support? Are they proactive and responsive?

Designed with a multi-instance infrastructure, Yeastar Cloud Phone System incorporates Yeastar Central Management (YCM) and easy-to-deploy dedicated Cloud PBX instances for service providers to deliver hosted voice services and unified communications solutions and make an easy and quick entry into the market. If you prefer to craft and launch your own cloud PBX service instead of reselling it from third-party providers, YCM is a good fit for you with fast time-to-market and reduced management complexity.

We also provide flexible deployment and purchasing models. You can either get started without preparing any server to save substantial upfront investment or bring your own infrastructure to stay in complete control of the platform and hosting environment.

Don’t shy away from the competition and hosted PBX business. Leave the comfort zone to embrace more opportunities.

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