NEC On-prem PBX Ended

Compared with NEC On-premises PBX in UC portfolio, reselling model, channel support, etc. We’ve outlined the business advantages of choosing Yeastar and why it’s a perfect fit for the NEC reseller.

P-Series Software Edition

NEC On-prem PBX Discontinued

Why Turn to Yeastar?

Compared with NEC On-premises PBX in UC portfolio, reselling model, channel support, etc. We’ve outlined the business advantages of choosing Yeastar and why it’s a perfect fit for the NEC reseller.

P-Series Software Edition

Looking for a NEC PBX Alternative?

In April 2024, NEC has made the decision to exit their on-premises UC products. If you are a distributor/reseller looking at how best to fill the gap in portfolio, Yeastar is a perfect choice.

Download this brochure to get a hint on how Yeastar award-winning solutions could help you seize opportunities with least transition pains and long-term profitability.

You will learn:

Yeastar Product Portfolio Overview

Yeastar vs. NEC: License Model Comparation

Advantages in Setup & Scalability

Key Differentiators in Partner Support:.

On-boarding system

Exclusive Partner Portal

Technical, sales, and marketing resources

Brochure Download & Inquiry

Recommended Alternatives for NEC SL2100/SL1000/SV9100



Hosted by Yeastar

Starts in minutes with least upfront. We take cares all the server-side hard work for you.


Complete hands-on control. Deploy the PBX in your own private or public cloud server.




Arrive plug-and-play ready with field-upgrable modular design and flexible interfaces.


Software with easy scalability. Deploy on your choice of local hardware or virtualized server.

Yeastar Ranked
Top 10 in VoIP

Yeastar Ranked Top 10 in VoIP

Yeastar is excellent in providing great support from sales, marketing to implementation and troubleshooting, resulting in our success.

– One-Net Communications Pte Ltd, Distributor of NEC & Yeastar