Episode 2: Selling Cloud PBX:
How do I convince customers to pay 3 times?

As more and more businesses are moving their communications to the cloud, we’ve seen the rise of UCaaS, which is a completely different busienss realm and requires a new mindset.

So in today’s episode, we will highlight some common concerns we’ve encountered from people who want to capitalize on the cloud opportunity but haven’t made the move, like how to navigate the transition? how to sell cloud PBX? Listen now and join the discussion.

Tune in to the episode here.

Key Dicussion Points

How to help end customers overcome infrastructure issues to transition to the cloud? 00:05:22

Cloud PBX, Trunks, and Services? How do I convince my clients to pay three times? 00:12:19

Rethink your role in this new business model (Hint: it’s not often what you think it is.) 00:13:54

Talk about MSPs: What is it? How to switch your role to an MSP? 00:20:20

From an MSP’s perspective: What are the top five things they care about the most for phone systems? 00:35:05

UC & C Huddle

Value Your Input!

If you’d like to be our next guest or have any topics in mind for future episodes, please tell us. We’re all ears.