Episode 0: “We are on Podcast Now!”

In this pilot episode, we dive into the story behind starting “UC&C Huddle” podcast. As the “official speakers” for Yeastar, the world’s leading UC solution provider, we’ve always wanted to have a special platform to share our personal ideas and engage in insightful conversations with individuals in the VoIP business.

If you are curious about what goes on behind the scenes – the industry, products, and solutions, grab a drink (or a coffee), kick back, and join us in the after-work huddle!

The first official episode is coming out next week. So if you’re interested in the show, don’t forget to like us and subscribe so you don’t miss out!

Tune in to the episode here.

Key Dicussion Points

Why we have this podcast?.

[00:00:25] Jason: Alright, first of all, for me personally, this is what I want to do for a really long time. And I believe this is also what you (Ramon) want. To be very honest guys, we both are working in Yeastar for a really long time. And, you know, our job is be the speakers, usually to present you guys what is happening from the manufacturer, or from the Yeastar. But to be very honest, I’d like to have a platform which can give me such opportunity to express what I’m thinking about. Because in my mind, I mean, our mind, there are so many ideas, so many
great things. We want to share it with you guys. But you know, currently the platform we have there is quite limited.

[00:01:07] Ramon: Yeah, me and Jason are on the same team. Our job is to deliver contents. Live streams, webinars, roadshows, speeches, and of course, videos. With all those platforms, we’re representing a manufacturer, we’re delivering a message in a formal way. But there are so many things happening around us while we are working in this business for quite some time with Yeastar. So there are so many interesting, exciting, inspiring, and sometimes bizarre things happen around us and get us thinking about this business, about how this business should go. But we don’t really get a chance to express our true ideas.

[00:02:00] Jason: Yeah, you got the point. That’s exactly why we’re here. The podcast is a perfect platform for us to share these ideas.

[00:02:09] Ramon: And to have profound conversations.

[00:02:11] Jason: Exactly. And I’m also thinking about this also might be a good chance for all of our audiences as well, you can join us to let’s just share our ideas. It will be a perfect idea.

List one simple example..

[00:02:26] Ramon: I will give you one example. Me and Jason are on a project where we look at products and solutions from other brands, other PBXs or other related platforms and stuffs on these projects. We have been seeing a lot of solutions, especially from other brands, other competitors. Well, we find so many interesting ideas, so many interesting things that they have been doing. I actually appreciate what they are doing. Of course, we see a lot of things that can be improved.

[00:03:14] Jason: Officially we can not say it.

[00:03:16] Ramon: As a manufacturer! Because if it’s a negative thing, then well … . But if that’s a positive thing, we can not say positive things about the competitor in a formal and official way.

[00:03:41] Ramon: But those things are really valuable. Those informations are really valuable, that get us thinking. So we hope that we can get a chance to express, to let you know, everything that has been happening.

What do we want to discuss in this podcast ?.

[00:04:09] Ramon: So I guess we will be sharing a lot of experiences, real experiences (about) working with Yeastar in this podcast. And of course, we want to have, once again, conversations with you guys. Conversations with other companies, other people who in this business, who are interested. So once again, this can be something that is totally different.

About the update frequency.

[00:05:47] Jason: We’re gonna try our best to to keep this podcast, you know, being active monthly.

[00:05:52] Ramon: One or two?

[00:05:54] Jason: Yeah, one or two.

UC & C Huddle

Value Your Input!

If you’d like to be our next guest or have any topics in mind for future episodes, please tell us. We’re all ears.